Monday, September 21, 2015

How to Survive Bad Financial Times with Destiny Analysis and Feng Shui......

Majority of us are feeling the impact of bad financial times in Malaysia. Various impact including devaluation of currency result in more narrow scope of opportunity in most sectors and field.
If you are student of Chinese Metaphysics then undoubtedly the first thing you have to learn is there is a cycle to everything in the universe. There is no permanent bad times or good times. The key is what to do in each of those times.

As the country and location that a person is situated would already be affected by the location luck ie bad economic times. Nothing we can change about that.

First and foremost for survival is to know where you are in your luck range. Whether the coming 3 years is BAD, AVERAGE or GOOD. To know that you need to be able to look at your own destiny chart 八字 4 Pillars. Check on your 10 years luck, then with the information apply it on the coming 3 individual years personal luck.

If 10 Years Luck is GOOD but yearly luck is bad then the most is AVERAGE 
If 10 Years Luck is GOOD but yearly luck is AVERAGE then the most is ABOVE AVERAGE
If 10 Years Luck is GOOD and yearly luck is GOOD then it will be GOOD no matter how the economy turn out. 

If 10 Years Luck is BAD but yearly luck is GOOD, then the most is AVERAGE and surviving.
If 10 Years Luck is BAD and yearly luck is AVERAGE then the most is BELOW AVERAGE.
If 10 Years Luck is BAD and yearly luck is also BAD, then most of anything unfavourable will happen to you such as losing job, changing job and getting worst each time and also facing tremendous financial difficulty.

If after checking and your luck overall is GOOD or ABOVE AVERAGE, you have nothing to worry about. You will definitely ride through the storm, perhaps even a good time for investment, pick up a few fundamentally strong stocks or properties.

The following article is for those who are AVERAGE, BELOW AVERAGE or BAD. How to survive the coming period.

1. Make sure your house Feng Shui is audited accordingly. When good economic times, the overall luck situation of your surrounding economy can support you even if your luck is below average. For example, in a village where the crops are growing in abundant, nobody will die of hunger even if they are lazy or cannot work. Some neighbours would be willing to give you some to survive.
If you are in a village that is experiencing extreme weathers, nobody will have any spare food for you. That's what I mean in surrounding economy. 

2. Make sure you do not do any new investments when your luck is AVERAGE and below during this time. One movement or jerk and you will be on the losing end. Good Luck people made smart decisions and Average Luck people or Below Average Luck people made the smart decision at the wrong time!

3. If you are in business, put your business into survival instinct now matter how big or steady your company is perceived to be. When you are in AVERAGE luck and operating a company in Bad Financial Times, it is like a boat sailing towards the rough seas with faulty compass.

4. If you are an employee, with AVERAGE luck ahead. Forget about the grass is greener on the other side. It is all a fantasy that only exist in your mind. Any changes you make in your career will be a regretful move. Stay put, check on how you can be more of value to your existing company so that you will not be on the 'let go' list when push comes to shove.

5. If you are thinking of starting a business with AVERAGE luck. I have a list of charitable organization that you can donate towards that will not only increase your spiritual merits but saves you the headache of watching your startup burning up all your hard earn or borrowed cash in the new 'venture'

6. If your luck is BAD for the coming 3 years. Lay low if you are an employee, add value to your work. Be prepared for any worst possibility in your career. Save up for 3 to 6 months worth of your own salary. Make sure you do not do any renovation at your existing home due to your fancy or own instinct of how things should be, because 99% of the time you will make it worst.

Knowing where you are, strong survival game plan and you are ahead of 90% of those people who do not even know that luck cycle exist.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

MERS through eyes of Chinese Metaphysics

2002 - 2003 saw the first rise of SARS infections and peak of death rates in 2003. That was 12 years ago. The Chinese Calendar in 2003 was 癸未, exactly a cycle of Earthly Branches 地支 compare to this year. 

This month and especially this few days, news agencies started picking up the spread of MERS virus in Korea. Whether can the virus spread further, as it was first noticed in late 2012 in Saudi Arabia.
MERS image from

Interestingly this year 2015, the Chinese Calendar is 乙未. It is the same as in 2003, which is a goat year 未,however the Heavenly Stems 天干 is different. 2003 癸未 saw the clash of 癸 water stem clash with 未 earthly branch, which is clear water represented by the 癸 WATER stem with 未 EARTH branch.

2015 however, we have 乙 Wood Stem with 未 Earth. Will it be able to go full fledge into epidemic scale? Not likely. However since the month of June is 壬午 and July is 癸未 , base on this 2 months and their element it is not likely to go away anytime soon.  The likely EARLIEST will also have to be beginning of autumn which is in August 甲申. 

Travelling this year if based on #QMDJ Qi Men Dun Jia 奇门遁甲 is not advisable for WEST and also EAST, using your own locality as to determine reference point.

For those who their own Ba Zi 八字 is particularly sensitive to Fire are not advisable to travel at least until Autumn this year, if the infection rate is not controlled by respective countries within these few weeks.

Stay Safe!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

It's ALL Element Play

I thought I never need to write basic Feng Shui articles anymore, as Feng Shui is so popular around the world today. Just go to any nearby book store and you will have a section of books dedicate to this subject - all basic ones of course. Nevertheless a good start for all beginners.

What inspired me to write this posting was that I have read somewhere in the main stream media ad that only certain branch of Chinese Metaphysics have direct correlation between Feng Shui and also Destiny. This off course is not true, why some people may be led to believe so, is because mainstream Feng Shui writers like to separate out destiny reading and feng shui. 

They have not been taught that all of this knowledge is supposed to be linked up. However some school of thought linked it up to become a very powerful leverage to help on a person's destiny while some school sort of try to fit a square peg into a round hole (keep on pushing it and make a mess). It is like Fusion Food. I like Tomyam Spaghetti, but please don't ask me to try Peanut Butter with Tuna on a bread !

If you know Chinese Metaphysics really well or study in depth on each of the subjects from Face Reading 面相 to Oracle卜卦 to Feng Shui 風水 to BaZi 八字 / ZiWei 紫薇 to Qi Men Dun Jia 奇門遁甲. All of it deals with the 5 Elements. The basic is the 5 Elements, the highest learning is also interaction of the 5 elements. If it is something beyond 5 Elements then it is NOT Chinese Metaphysics.

What does 5 Elements do? It categorize or simplify the characteristics of the Qi or what you call Energy. And all branches of Chinese Metaphysics talk about achieving balance. When you have balance, not only it looks nice, it sounds perfect and everything moves smoothly.

When we discuss about Human Destiny - humans naturally are affected by Qi, whether reaching balance in their destiny, achieving balance of qi in their body's 5 main organs or harnessing the suitable Qi from the environment to aid them in their luck periods. 

When we read a person's destiny, what is their potential, what is their fall back, what are weakest genetic link - all this have to do with the 5 element balance in their destiny chart. When I do Feng Shui consultation for my clients, I then use the information of their destiny chart and try to do a setup in their environment to harness the qi that will help balance their destiny to avoid all the fall back and support their destiny and luck periods.

I don't do House Feng Shui - meaning find the best way to decorate their house according to House Feng Shui Principles. 

I help my clients do a setup of Qi in their environment, advice them on where to tap the Qi that best suit their type of destiny and also the goal that they are trying to achieve. Therefore each person or family is different. Same house with different people will be different advice.

Destiny here means their Four Pillars of Destiny or 八字. Other systems are only interested in Year of Birth to convert to a GUA Trigam. That you can do in a DIY setting. No need to hire Feng Shui Master.

Because of the mass conventional materials that is out there, writers who have never made the link or never been taught that it is supposed to be linked. This concept becomes alien and 'unconventional' to many newbies.

When I do Yin Feng Shui - Feng Shui for burial ground or columbarium selection, the crucial key other than finding good landforms is whether the element it harness will be suitable for the later generations of my client. Their children's destiny requirement and also the timing to harness the qi.

Even in Qi Men Dun Jia 奇門遁甲,the highest essence is the ability to linked it with a person's destiny. How to chase after qi that is suitable to you. Not just basic favourable and unfavourable location base on conventional Qi Men knowledge that are in books.

From the 十天干 Heavenly Stems, 地支 Earth Branches, 八卦 Ba Gua correlation with 5 Elements 五行 in all Chinese Metaphysics subject is denotating the same 5 Elements - there is no such thing as 5 elements for Feng Shui is different from 5 elements of destiny OR 5 elements of Yin Feng Shui is different from 5 Elements on your face for Face Reading.

Finally, if you have understood this point and looking at the linkage instead of the difference, it all comes down to element play.