Recently there have been a number of people asking me “Is it all going to end on 2012?” From the movie 2012, it has created a mass paranoia on the end of days coming to us on Earth.
My reply was “It better be, or else there's going to mortages, loan and all the bills to pay” with a smirky smile on my face. Let's face it in a brief and simple sentence – 'Death is imminent the minute you are born'. Nobody can escape it, no matter how high your spiritual cultivation, there is a 'bus' waiting for you. Well for some they can fly/float when they reach certain 'attainment'. However that's another discussion altogether.
In Chinese Metaphysics, there is no such recording that our calendar would run out. For the record of time, we use the 60 Jia Zi 六十甲子. That can calculate time in solar or lunar terms. Ancient Chinese, they view time in a circular manner. Means that there is a cycle to things in nature, human body, weather and almost all in the physical reality.
Most Western culture view time in a straight line, therefore the past is gone and looking forward to the future. Whereas for the Chinese culture, what you do now may not affect you but will come back to affect you later in life or your children. Things like being environmentally friendly now has it's benefit? Hint hint.
Comic courtesy of walruscomix.com
Therefore from a Chinese calendar perspective, life will still go on beyond 2012. Most likely Earth would have more hostile living conditions but life still goes on (not from Chinese Metaphysics but from Al Gore documentary 'An Inconvenient Truth', sadly most politicians don't get it) .
What we need to do instead is take a real hard look on your own life plan and ask yourself some real difficult questions.
What do you aim to achieve in the next 3 years for yourself and also your family?
Do you have a plan in the first place?
What is your luck outlook for coming 5 years? Is it a time to march on gallantly or is it a time to shelter yourself in a bunker with enough savings to last you through probable change of jobs or career or slowdown of business.
Is your environment favourable for you and your family?
Many people choose to fight with the tide of life, venturing into business or a new career just because they think they got everything figured out. If luck is not on your side, any brilliant business plan would also sink like the Titanic. 'It is always better to be lucky than smart'. A very difficult point to digest, however if you know when you are going to have the trend on your side, then half of your goals it is already done.
Bottom line is, if you had a wake up call from the movie. It means that you have been procrastinating on the things you should have / would have / need to do in life. First step to beyond 2012, is to check where you are now in terms of destiny and where you would want to go and how much is destiny on your side in achieving what you want to achieve.
There is hope beyond 2012, if you have a plan now....