Tuesday, December 6, 2011

卜卦实录 Yi Jing Oracle Diary

Using Yi Jing (I-Ching) to do oracles is one of the fastest way to know about a outcome of an event that is following a natural flow of the universe. Of course other ways that can be even faster would fall under the spiritual category.

I did not manage to write any articles pertaining to Yi Jing is because Feng Shui and Ba Zi alone would let me know enough information that I am seeking to help my clients. However I have decided to be more consistent with my Feng Shui blog, therefore I will add a category to record my 'Bu Gua' 卜卦 real life cases.

This first case is about a client who wishes to renew her passport from local immigration department. The client's passport have been blocked by the tax department for many years due to taxation dispute with the goverment, hence the client is unable to renew their passport.

After they paid the required amount to the tax department, on their visit to the immigration, they still find that their name are still being blacklisted by the tax department. Therefore they call me up and ask whether I can give them some clue on what is the chances for their visit to the immigration department.

On 22 November 2011, I did a 'Bu Gua' and below is the result
The Original Gua is 水天需 (Xu Gua) and Result Gua is 澤天夬 (Guai Gua)

The Original Gua indicates waiting and also obstacles, it also shows that they are very yearning to renew their passport. The Result Gua 'Guai' indicates decisiveness and also ability to do their passport.

Therefore from the Bu Gua, I have informed my client that on their current trip to the immigration department, they would be able to do their passport but they will have difficulty in terms of waiting or long queue.

Actual Event:
When my clients reached near the Immigration Department on that morning, suprisingly they find it very difficult to obtain parking for their car even though it is a weekday. Eventually they have to park about 500m away from the Immigration Department. Upon arriving, on that moment itself there is a sudden influx of people who were lining up to obtain their number to create/renew their passport.

Upon checking the system, they found that all is clear and they can do their passport. However they decided to go back another day due to the large number of people on that day.

I have then selected a day that is suitable for their initial Gua, and they did went on that very day. Suprisingly this time, not only that it is very few crowd, but their number got called ahead of others who were there much earlier. Their passport was renewed successfully.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ba Zi Sexual Compatibility PART 1

About more than a decade(10 years) ago, in my previous life I was a Professional Behaviour Analyst – doing profiling for companies especially sales employees. Checking on their suitability for selling. What's their style of selling and how to match them to the customers of a particular corporation.

Then when I learned about Ba Zi – One of the Chinese System of Destiny Analysis and there was no turning back. Not only can I profile a person on their behaviour, but also what is likely to happen in their near future, with the information on their current character traits.

The best thing abot Ba Zi when it comes to profiling a sales person, is that I can know whether the person can or cannot sell, irregardless of their skills and for how long they could be at the top. This is something conventional profiling cannot do. In another sense, it is discrimination at its highest covert level. Then again, the sole purpose of a business is to make the most money with the least resource – that is Management 101.

Ba Zi does not only help in business but also it can profile personality match of couples. People fall in love and stay in love is also due to the compatibility of their Ba Zi. He has something she needs and she wants something he has on a Qi Level.

If we magnify even further, Ba Zi can also profile a couple's sexual match. Yes folks, my blog is intended for mature readers. Statistics have shown that more than 50% of couple that went for divorce is due to sexual incompatibility. More so in the Western society. In Asian society, divorce rate is lower but affairs of marriage couple is almost the same.

Ba Zi would be able to tell, whether someone is highly sexual, moderate or totally impotence/frigid. We can also tell whether that person is mentally impotence/frigid or it is a medical condition. Ba Zi would also be able to give clues whether a married person would act on sexual impulse ie. Having many affairs or it is all in the head only.

Drastic changes of luck period would also sometimes change a person's sexual preference, from heterosexual to homosexual. It explains why some people who are heterosexual, would in some stage of their life discover that they are homosexual. It is true for male and female.

Some women, who are highly conservative in their early luck periods can become sexually promiscious when their luck changes. We may think that all this is happening on a emotional level, or the person have got themselves involve with bad company. However, it is always the changes on the Qi level of their destiny that triggers the behavioural pattern. And once the behaviour is repeated, new neural pathways form in their brain, beliefs develop and changes of character happened.

It explains on why some men/women, totally caught by surprise that their other half would cheat on them – since they know that the person they are married to is not someone who is sexually promiscous. Changes of luck periods causes sexual incompatibility, qi incompatibility – peach blossom is activated in a particular year that brings a strong peach blossom then we are 'suddenly' caught by surprise. In actual fact, all the clues are there the moment they are born. 

Then the crucial questions is “Do we tell our clients?” Some consultants who are not tactful in their analysis will tend to tell it like it is or worst exaggerate the condition to create a sense of reliance. My way is that, I sealed up all the available peach blossom in their environment. Tell them about their character outlook and possible luck and peach blossom encounters.

No, we don't touch on the sexual compatibility issues unless one of the couple highlights it or seek analysis and further rectification methods. The irony is that, it could be one of their biggest problem in marriage but it is also a problem that you can openly discuss. If they are single and ask about compatibility – I would just tell it like it is.

When doing placement of bed toward their favorable Ba Zi location, we would also consider both of their character traits and the effects of enhancement. If we just place according to what they need individually, on most cases it would not benefit them as a couple.