Thursday, November 11, 2010
Feng Shui and Animal Liberation - fantastic leverage to overcome life critical illness
About 2 months ago, his my client call me up and ask me to schedule a day so that I can fly to Johor Bahru to audit his brother's house. His brother is confirmed with cancer and he tried to do everything to help him.
Upon arrival at his home, I was informed that they just renovated their house after Chinese New Year 2010, and 3 months after that he went for medical check up and doctor confirmed he had cancer.
The house water exit and kitchen stove area is totally off for his Ba Zi- Chinese Astrrology base on year,month, day and time of birth. Even his sleeping position is wrong for his Ba Zi, although he has been sleeping in that location for almost 10 years. Health problems will usually surface when there is changes in the person's luck period. During good luck period, you will not notice much. However when the luck is not favorable, all of it will manifest.
After all Feng Shui suggestion, I sat personally with the couple and plainly told them their situation. When you are diagnosed with cancer, you will need all the leverage you can get.
1. Environment must be supportive - the qi is right for your recovery.
2. Changing your lifestyle and diet, because that is the thing that got you into this present problem.
3. Do a lot of animal liberation - destiny that you born with have some pre-determine factor, and that pre-determine factor is karma. Terminal desease is usually stems from manifestation or ripening of our bad karma. Karma in simplistic term means your debts to other sentient beings as a result of your previous action and intention.
Point 1 and 2 we have already settled, now to solve point 3, it needs a lot of your own effort. One of the most efficient way is through animal liberation. Benefiting other sentient beings so that they have a chance to be free from untimely death and suffering will create the cause for you to purify your bad karma.
They took my advice to heart, on the first animal liberation, they released 1000 birds. And have been doing it consistently. And from their feedback, it seems the purification is working powerfully with other things they have done.
Am I saying that animal liberation will cure cancer? No. It will reduce the cause of your decease and manifest and ripen your good karma. If it is not too severe, it will even help overcome the desease from the spiritual angle.
Sometimes it also takes good karma to read, understand and put to practice this information. Think about it and then start doing it!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Profiling a Sexual Offender
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Driving Force

Last week I was all ready to conduct the Qi Men Dun Jia (QMDJ) program and San Yuan Level 3 in Moscow. On the morning before I left, my wife came down with high fever. I thought it was just normal flu with fever, however by afternoon the fever still have not subside, nothing much can be done on my side because she already went to local GP and taken some medicine.
*On a side note*Oh yes, family members of Feng Shui practitioners do get sick like everyone else. Feng Shui practitioners themselves also will get sick and we are mortals too. Sometimes we even prepare advance for the end of our mortality, which is why I have even prepare for my final resting place even though I am just 35.
By the time I am about to leave for the airport in the evening, I have asked my mum to take my wife to the hospital if her fever still have not subside in a few hours. I left for Moscow in a worried state of mind, as my wife seldom gets sick, the most once a year even then it is very mild stuff. Plus my two boys still is down with mild flu and feverish. However there are so many students anticipating for the program, everything was already set in motion.
When I transit in Singapore, I have already received news that she was admitted into the hospital. At least I am not that worried as she is under medical supervision. Upon arrival in Moscow the next morning, she had gone through several test and still waiting for the result.
Just when I arrived to my hotel, I received a call from my wife that my son suddenly told his nanny that he cannot walk at all. I was informed that my mum rushed to pick him up and was sending him to the hospital. Immediately I discussed with my organizers in Moscow that I will need to re-schedule and will leave immediately after the Qi Men Dun Jia program. My state of mind at that time was totally unsuitable to teach even though I have already arrived in Moscow.
After detailed discussion and deciding thoroughly, I made the decision to fly back to Malaysia that very day. With great help from my sister and staff at Harpers Travel Penang, I was confirmed on the next flight out of Moscow. I have decided to give students who were going to attend this program a big discount for the inconvenience they have to go through because of the postponement.
In all these years of setting objectives, goals and achieving all of them, I thought my driving force was based on the sense of achievement and being one of the best of what I do. However my highest personal value, which I found out that day, is my family. All these while I know family ranked high in my personal values. However in situation like this, it really makes me sort out my priorities in life even more clearer than any conventional exercise that I have been through before. Nothing matter more to me than family. They are my biggest driving force to achieve, succeed and even do more for them than what I will ever do for myself.
I could have forced myself to stay, but then how good of a teacher I will be if I stayed because of the financial rewards and ignoring the conditions of my wife and son. I do not think they would want to learn from somebody like that either. It would also not be fair to the students with my state of mind in such a situation.
Some readers will want to know that I surely have the Bazi of my wife and children. I would have known whether they will be safe or in danger. Yes, their BaZi is as clear as anything and at the back of my head. But that does not stop me feeling worried and anxious on their health condition. Heck with my QMDJ calculation of traveling to Moscow, I have even secured a major consulting contract in Malaysia upon reaching Moscow. Nevertheless like any husband and father, I was extremely worried on that day.
Do you know what is driving your behaviour? What is driving you to achieve? What is causing your success or failure? By knowing your BaZi and destiny path in detail, then you would only be able to maximize on it when you have clear and consistent path of achievement. Achieving not by any other people’s standard, but achieving based on the core of who you are and what you have been dealt with in life (BaZi).
So again, what is driving you?
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Blossoming Your Peach
There are numerous reason why a person would cheat on their spouse. If we look at it from Chinese Metaphysic angle, usually it is highlighted in their BaZi and can be supported by their living environment - Feng Shui.
From a person's BaZi, if the person has a lot of combination in their chart, usually it means complicated relationship problem. If added with clashes then usually the person will have multiple relationship before and even after marriage. Even those without any combination, will have a Peach Blossom combining into their chart every 12 years.
However, not everyone will cheat on their spouse as a result of Bazi combo. A monk or a priest would also have Peach Blossom every 12 years but monks do not just simply disrobe or priest turn their back on their calling in life. Therefore a big factor is due to the person's behaviour and also character. Situations in the person's BaZi will bring them into a situation where they could have the opportunity but it is entirely up to the person to make the decision.
Living environment would also encourage extra peach blossom, meaning the person will have more opportunities to cheat than usual. If one of the cardinal direction, North, South, East or West is enhanced while that location element also coincides with the person's inherent peach blossom then they will have more opportunities than usual even though their Bazi does not indicate it. This is the result of your environment having an effect on your destiny.
There are of course numerous reason why a person would cheat. Top 3 reason being
1. A new relationship would get help a person to create the feeling of excitement.
2. Sense of excitement from cheating the spouse.
3. Sexual frustration from the present relationship. Although in Asian communities, it is not often discussed, however sexual frustration is one of the leading reason for marriage failures. Changes in your libido can actually also be read through your Bazi chart. Therefore, if it the above reason, then it would be helpful to indicate to the couple of the problem they are facing.
However as a consultant, it is always a hard decision for us to contemplate. For a male client, money, wealth is also the same as women. Overly enhancing the wealth element would also bring out the peach blossom inherent in the chart.
My approach most of the time is to let the client know of the upcoming Peach blossom situation if it can be seen from Bazi Chart. Then it is up to the person to mentally control their behaviour.
more articles at:
Monday, March 22, 2010
A little bit of knowledge can be very dangerous.
Yesterday, one of my relatives called me up in the afternoon, asked me to join him for tea with one of his friend from mainland China. According to my relative, this person also has an interest in Chinese Metaphysics. Having a couple of hours to spare before bringing my kids to play outdoor, I decided to meet this person.
When I met Mr. Leung (in his late 40’s), he told me he is from Hong Kong but now residing in Shanghai. My relative decide to de-tour to his newly bought condominium, I thought he was showing Mr. Leung some investment opportunities in Penang.
When we arrived at the condo building, my relative said “both of you can help check out the Feng Shui of my new place.” Mr Leung said he did not bring his compass. My relative point to me and said he got it in his phone. I reluctantly bring out my iPhone and check the reading. Mr Leung was very surprised with capability of the iPhone (in my daily work, I still use the Luo Pan, I think clients would not pay me my high fees if they see me using iPhone to do audit).
I decided not to say anything about the Feng Shui of his condo, because I am not working and it is a de-tour scenario. And when we got back in the car, Mr. Leung start to ask me some background questions about Feng Shui, the conversation goes something like this
Mr. Leung: How did you study Feng Shui?, you study it yourself from books?
GK Ham: I study under Grandmaster Lau on San Yuan Feng Shui. San He under two different master, and QMDJ from Master Ho in Hong Kong.
Mr Leung : Oh, San Yuan, you use Xuan Gong Flying Star?
GK Ham: No we don’t use Flying Star. Mainly San Yuan.
Mr. Leung: So San Yuan, you subscribe to the principle of changing to period 8 on 2004?
GK Ham: Actually we are not worried about the period. We are more concern about what is the qi structure of the property, exit of qi of the property and using Useful God in BaZi to match with the person’s allocation.
Mr. Leung: Then do you meddle with Ba Zi.
GK Ham: Of course.
Mr. Leung: It is actually good you have studied about San He. So that you can have a more broader outlook on Feng Shui. Just San Yuan alone would not be enough.
GK Ham: (obviously you do not know what you are talking about, if you study 2 system completely you would not be making this statement. San Yuan is a complete system and San He is a complete system, I’ve decided to dedicate my career on San Yuan, case close)
After these few Qs and As, in my mind, I thought Mr. Leung just has an interest in Feng Shui, so it is natural for those who are not in the field to make self and wrong assumptions about different systems or try to create hybrid systems.
When we reach his hotel, my relative asked me whether want to join them(Mr. Leung’s old friend Mr. Liu who is from China doing investment in Penang, and Mr. and Mrs Tan and their small daughter) for drinks, since it is still early, I have decided to join in.
When we sat down, Mr. Liu told my relative that Mr. Leung had helped a lot of people become rich in China. My relative was introduced to Mr. Leung a few days ago through Mr. Liu due to their business relation. Instantly it hit me, that Mr. Leung is also in Feng Shui consultant and Mr. Liu was trying to recommend him to my relative. I have become a human shield because most likely my relative find it hard to turn Mr. Liu down and thus bring me into the picture.
Anyhow, since I am stuck in the position, I might as well enjoy the afternoon tea. Then I saw Mr. Leung bring out his Chinese 10,000 years calendar and a note pad. Mr. and Mrs Tan wanted Mr. Leung to do BaZi analysis for their daughter who is having some illness. After Mr. Leung write up the BaZi, I had a brief glance on the BaZi as I was sitting next to him.
Mr. Leung decided to start his BaZi analysis on the Mr. Tan daughter, “Your daughter belong to water element, water strong like the sea.” (Because his daughter is strong REN壬 Water) “ Her illness will go away when she is 11, she will somehow find some doctors or person that will help her, when she reach her that age. Currently her strong water is being block by Earth, therefore the water cannot run smoothly.”
The young girl is Strong Ren Water, going through XU戌 Earth luck( which later when I go through my calendar, actually she is going through YOU酉 luck, apparently he made a mistake when writing up the young girl’s chart).
Plus her Ba Zi chart has an inherent SI巳, WU午, WEI未 forming Fire in the bottom. Using just a Yi 乙 Wood to prevent both fire and water from clashing. When she was born 7 years ago , the illness is not evident because year is GUI WEI癸未, followed by JIA SHEN甲申 and then YI YOU乙酉. All of it has wood, therefore the evident clash is not there at least until 2006.
The inherent clash, surfaced this year because GENG YIN 庚寅 year, Geng 庚combines with Yi乙 wood and thus inherent fire beneath clash upwards with the water, desease related to the blood. She suffers from Lupus.
(If you got lost in the above explanation, in brief his interpretation of the chart is not detail enough to get to the root of the problem)
Mr. Leung knowledge level is obviously not ready for him to go into this profession full time. Writing up BaZi chart and does not know the difference of Jie Qi 节气 for entering the month is not qualified to be giving advice to others.
I have no idea where he learn his BaZi or Feng Shui, anyway I am not interested to know. No wonder this field is being shun by some parts of the general public, it is these standard of “consultants” going around giving others advice on things and knowledge they thought they knew it inside out. Which in actual fact, what they are doing is just giving Chinese Metaphysics a bad name.
My advice is, if you learn it for own knowledge, you can consult your own family members and friends while maintaining a good feedback relation with your master, at least they can tell you when you make a mistake and correct you.
If you are doing it full time as a career. Thinking learning from books and some short talks by Feng Shui master, then you are trying to take a short cut and not doing your dues. The law of karma always catches up with you when you have done a string of damage through your advices to countless families and businesses. Which in reality their life would be better off not taking up your service in the first place!
And if you are doing it full time and try to wing it, one day there might be someone like me who just happen to sit next to you when you are doing your consultation and write up on his blog about it.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Can creating a tomb before you die actually enhances your luck?
End of the day, somebody has to settle or nullify the karmic effect if such exercise is being carried out. Here are excerpts from a Hong Kong magazine, Grandmaster Lau was interviewed for his view on doing 'live tombs'.

Friday, January 22, 2010
Yi Jing 易经 Image from our planet
There are many methods of Gua Divination; the more accurate and fastest is through the image formation that one can capture from a situation. However image capture from a situation is more of an art than science.

The Gua image that imprint on me for this situation is the 63 Hexagram – Ji Ji 既濟. With water above and Fire below. The Gua meaning means Finished – “At the start there is good luck and at the end there is disorder. It denotes perfect balance has been reached and any movement may cause order to revert disorder. We should take thought of misfortune and arm ourselves against it in advance”.
And superimposing this on our current Earth condition, looks like more serious natural disasters will follow if we do not act personally, as a group, as a nation and as inhabitants of this planet.
Then on 12 January, Haiti was struck with a massive earthquake. If you look at the 63 Hexagram closely, the only way to let the water extinguish the fire is breaking of the third line. Hence further clue to this hexagram, changing of the third line. Movement of the third line has one very crucial meaning – ‘Time makes all the difference’
Which means if you want save or rescue our environment, the best time is to start with ourselves and NOW.
Oracle from Yi Jing will show us our likely path and turn of events if we do not do anything and just follow the flow of events. It is not a fix eventuality but high probable reality if the current conditions are left to run its own course.
Not only Hollywood has given us the warning, planet earth has also given us the sign to act now and act fast.