About 12 days ago, I heard on the radio that our planet Earth currently is experiencing severe cold storm on the North and extreme heat on the South. This undoubtedly had caused great disturbance in our eco-system. It is also due to our long term abuse on the environment. From the Yi-Jing 易经perspective, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Ching one of the oldest systematic form of Chinese oracle, the current Earth situation has given us a Hexagram or Gua 卦.
There are many methods of Gua Divination; the more accurate and fastest is through the image formation that one can capture from a situation. However image capture from a situation is more of an art than science.

The Gua image that imprint on me for this situation is the 63 Hexagram – Ji Ji 既濟. With water above and Fire below. The Gua meaning means Finished – “At the start there is good luck and at the end there is disorder. It denotes perfect balance has been reached and any movement may cause order to revert disorder. We should take thought of misfortune and arm ourselves against it in advance”.
And superimposing this on our current Earth condition, looks like more serious natural disasters will follow if we do not act personally, as a group, as a nation and as inhabitants of this planet.
Then on 12 January, Haiti was struck with a massive earthquake. If you look at the 63 Hexagram closely, the only way to let the water extinguish the fire is breaking of the third line. Hence further clue to this hexagram, changing of the third line. Movement of the third line has one very crucial meaning – ‘Time makes all the difference’
Which means if you want save or rescue our environment, the best time is to start with ourselves and NOW.
Oracle from Yi Jing will show us our likely path and turn of events if we do not do anything and just follow the flow of events. It is not a fix eventuality but high probable reality if the current conditions are left to run its own course.
Not only Hollywood has given us the warning, planet earth has also given us the sign to act now and act fast.
There are many methods of Gua Divination; the more accurate and fastest is through the image formation that one can capture from a situation. However image capture from a situation is more of an art than science.

The Gua image that imprint on me for this situation is the 63 Hexagram – Ji Ji 既濟. With water above and Fire below. The Gua meaning means Finished – “At the start there is good luck and at the end there is disorder. It denotes perfect balance has been reached and any movement may cause order to revert disorder. We should take thought of misfortune and arm ourselves against it in advance”.
And superimposing this on our current Earth condition, looks like more serious natural disasters will follow if we do not act personally, as a group, as a nation and as inhabitants of this planet.
Then on 12 January, Haiti was struck with a massive earthquake. If you look at the 63 Hexagram closely, the only way to let the water extinguish the fire is breaking of the third line. Hence further clue to this hexagram, changing of the third line. Movement of the third line has one very crucial meaning – ‘Time makes all the difference’
Which means if you want save or rescue our environment, the best time is to start with ourselves and NOW.
Oracle from Yi Jing will show us our likely path and turn of events if we do not do anything and just follow the flow of events. It is not a fix eventuality but high probable reality if the current conditions are left to run its own course.
Not only Hollywood has given us the warning, planet earth has also given us the sign to act now and act fast.