Last week I was all ready to conduct the Qi Men Dun Jia (QMDJ) program and San Yuan Level 3 in Moscow. On the morning before I left, my wife came down with high fever. I thought it was just normal flu with fever, however by afternoon the fever still have not subside, nothing much can be done on my side because she already went to local GP and taken some medicine.
*On a side note*Oh yes, family members of Feng Shui practitioners do get sick like everyone else. Feng Shui practitioners themselves also will get sick and we are mortals too. Sometimes we even prepare advance for the end of our mortality, which is why I have even prepare for my final resting place even though I am just 35.
By the time I am about to leave for the airport in the evening, I have asked my mum to take my wife to the hospital if her fever still have not subside in a few hours. I left for Moscow in a worried state of mind, as my wife seldom gets sick, the most once a year even then it is very mild stuff. Plus my two boys still is down with mild flu and feverish. However there are so many students anticipating for the program, everything was already set in motion.
When I transit in Singapore, I have already received news that she was admitted into the hospital. At least I am not that worried as she is under medical supervision. Upon arrival in Moscow the next morning, she had gone through several test and still waiting for the result.
Just when I arrived to my hotel, I received a call from my wife that my son suddenly told his nanny that he cannot walk at all. I was informed that my mum rushed to pick him up and was sending him to the hospital. Immediately I discussed with my organizers in Moscow that I will need to re-schedule and will leave immediately after the Qi Men Dun Jia program. My state of mind at that time was totally unsuitable to teach even though I have already arrived in Moscow.
After detailed discussion and deciding thoroughly, I made the decision to fly back to Malaysia that very day. With great help from my sister and staff at Harpers Travel Penang, I was confirmed on the next flight out of Moscow. I have decided to give students who were going to attend this program a big discount for the inconvenience they have to go through because of the postponement.
In all these years of setting objectives, goals and achieving all of them, I thought my driving force was based on the sense of achievement and being one of the best of what I do. However my highest personal value, which I found out that day, is my family. All these while I know family ranked high in my personal values. However in situation like this, it really makes me sort out my priorities in life even more clearer than any conventional exercise that I have been through before. Nothing matter more to me than family. They are my biggest driving force to achieve, succeed and even do more for them than what I will ever do for myself.
I could have forced myself to stay, but then how good of a teacher I will be if I stayed because of the financial rewards and ignoring the conditions of my wife and son. I do not think they would want to learn from somebody like that either. It would also not be fair to the students with my state of mind in such a situation.
Some readers will want to know that I surely have the Bazi of my wife and children. I would have known whether they will be safe or in danger. Yes, their BaZi is as clear as anything and at the back of my head. But that does not stop me feeling worried and anxious on their health condition. Heck with my QMDJ calculation of traveling to Moscow, I have even secured a major consulting contract in Malaysia upon reaching Moscow. Nevertheless like any husband and father, I was extremely worried on that day.
Do you know what is driving your behaviour? What is driving you to achieve? What is causing your success or failure? By knowing your BaZi and destiny path in detail, then you would only be able to maximize on it when you have clear and consistent path of achievement. Achieving not by any other people’s standard, but achieving based on the core of who you are and what you have been dealt with in life (BaZi).
So again, what is driving you?