I received an email in the beginning of
this year from a lady. She informed me that she finally found my email
and contact after she googled up her Feng Shui consultant's name on
the web.
She has hired one of my student G to do
audit for her home and also business. In fact it was a letter of
complain and also asking for help. Because according to her, G had
convinced them (both she and her husband) to find a shop lot, buy it
and do business. And G literally guarantees them that the business would definitely
prosper with the help of his Feng Shui skills.
In trusting G, they invested a
substantial amount of money to start the restaurant business. Of
course the end result did not turn out as G as promised. They are now
having a hard time in getting customers, maintaining their staff and
making enough to even service their bank loans.
The most IRONIC part of her situation, was that G have informed them that I am his Shi Xiong (師兄)
which means both of us are the same generation of student under
Master Lau. He did not informed the lady that I am his teacher.
To make things very clear.
1. I
have NOT taught anyone in my 10 years of teaching Feng Shui, that
they should convince their client to take a loan, invest their money
beyond their means to start a business JUST because they could help
their client find a suitable Feng Shui premise for their type of
2. If you are starting a business, your Feng Shui consultant should have
advise you on your luck period and also upcoming yearly luck on
whether you have the capability to start a business.
Just because
your product is superior
your are the sole distributor
you have years of experience in the
you are a very good cook/chef –
everyone says that you food taste like a piece of heaven
you have good taste for clothing and
people would buy you selection
and the list goes on...

Does NOT mean a thing, when your luck
is unable to support your business. When your major luck period is
not suitable, the BEST Feng Shui can do is only to help you
break-even. Because without the help of Feng Shui, the business would
have to suffer early termination.
In her case, I tried to advice
her and the 1st thing that I have requested from her and
her husband are their BaZi. I did not charge them anything, because
they mentioned G was the starting point of their biggest nightmare.
I looked over their BaZi and informed them that if they still
want to maintain the business, they must have the capability to
sustain it beyond 2014. But coming 2014 will be year of great
financial difficulty for them. So best option for them would be to
sell the business while there is still value in it to ride it out if
they can.
3. When you study in a good university, does
everyone in the same graduating year end up serving their community?
Good university provides good education – but in a graduating year,
some becomes leader of their own community while there are also some
that end up as criminal ! The university is not the problem but the
people themselves. Just as in this case, G studied with me, San Yuan
Feng Shui has 4 Level. ALL students that have studied with me maximum
has only reached to LEVEL 3. In essence G has not even graduate yet.
Furthermore, he is lying to his client
that I am his peer.
After teaching San Yuan Feng Shui
for so many years. In each of their level, I have URGE the students,
if they do have the resources and time, do learn up BaZi in our
style. Because there are some differences in the way my REAL peers
and Master Lau analyse BaZi compare to other schools which are more
suitable to implement San Yuan Feng Shui. Unfortunately many
students thinks that they already learn BaZi somewhere else and do
not need to learn it anymore.
Even as recent as few weeks ago, this
lady continues to email me, each time in her email she will write on
her disgust, dissappointment and also strong frustration for being
duped in by G to start her business. I have already advised her on
her business and what she needs to do with it. When you major luck is
not supporting, there are no 'cures' for it.
Moral of this case
Check the credentials of your Feng
Shui Consultant.
Coming from a good school does not
mean they have good ethics.
Before starting a business, check
your own luck period for suitability (get a good BaZi consultant).
NO Feng Shui consultant can
guarantee you would be profitable when your luck is not supporting.
If they do guarantee, please turn around and RUN as fast as you
could and hold your wallet really tight.
You should check for LUCK first
before checking skills in starting a business. Many people act in
opposite way.