It was quite sudden to take it all in, however in our many conversations, master did told me that his time would come any day, because he have lived surpassed his departure time and any extras he would just enjoy it as it happens. That conversation was like 10 years ago. As I write this article, so many memories of him flashes inside my mind.
I still remember clearly the first time I met him more than 13 years ago. After initial communication with him through fax and telephone, I went to Hong Kong to learn from him. I was surprised because he insisted on picking me up from the airport. Upon arriving, I met not only him and Mrs Lau 師母, but also few of his disciples that he brought along to welcome me.
He told me he was glad to have seen me finally and also to saw my face and he was relieved. Because Master Lau is very good in face reading. Relieved in a sense he can impart me the Feng Shui lineage knowledge in seeing that my face does not some indication of traitor or heartless person.
Learning from him went on for the following 8 years. Initially I would sometime spent 2-3 weeks twice a year or more in Hong Kong. Almost all the time, it would be 1 on 1 learning from him. Still remember the usual schedule of me taking a light train then a bus early in the morning from hotel, to arrive at his house. Learning until lunch time, then we go for lunch. After that usually he would have 1 or 2 appointments for the day and he would brought me along. After which he would brief me on why he advised the client those remedies.
師母 would accompany master in all his work and also teachings. We walked all the Hong Kong famous dragons spots and veins. They also took me to all those famous burial sites around Yuen Long area, showed me step by step on how it is done and what are the things to look out for.
His knowledge on Feng Shui is almost encyclopedic not to mention his vast amount of experiences. He always tell us (his disciples) he does not have time to specialize or focus on so many things, so he chose to only specialize in Feng Shui. Amid his knowledge in all Chinese metaphysics including Chinese TCM is astounding.
Not only did he taught me what REAL Feng Shui is all about, he also taught me compassion when we saw that he work tirelessly for those that cannot afford his service or even those that took advantage of his compassion. Yet he can still go on and helped them.
I also learn a lot of Feng Shui work ethics by simply observing how he handles his client, cases that he has done and also all his written works for the Feng Shui community.
He taught me 'each cases that you take up, treat it as your own home or office, then your recommendation will always be the best in mind for your client'. I have taken this advice and continue to put it to practice for the past decade of my own practice
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Photo with GrandMaster Lau and Mrs Lau |
Even my 2 sons name is selected by my master.
師父 Shi Fu, I would not have the type of the life I am living, if it is not because of your generosity to impart your knowledge of the Han Wu Lineage to me and all other disciples. I am forever in gratitude. Without the knowledge, I would also not be able to go on and affect so many lives for the better.
Each time I turned the Lou Pan I will remember all you have taught me. I would not be sad, because knowing that you are an accomplished cultivator you would have left peacefully and go onwards to your next journey confidently.
As a disciple, I can only hope to walk in the shadows of your footsteps. Your Feng Shui legacy would continue on and if we do have the affinity, may we meet again! As you always said, 'Those in Feng Shui and Destiny, we don't do long good byes as we know affinity decides everything. May you have a speedy journey ahead.