As a fan of Fast and Furious Series. News of his death came as a shock.
Normally I do not analyze Hollywood members BaZi, but I have decided to have a glance at his BaZi to find if there is any hints of it happening. Dying at the age of 40 at what can be said as the height of his career is really tragic.
Born 1973, September 12 his BaZi chart is below (time unknown)
Even without confirmed time, we can deduce that he has a STRONG METAL 強辛金命 chart. Best fit time would be 11am - 1pm base on his bio. Strong Metal using Water and Fire Element. Some may argue why FIRE, as Xin Metal 辛 is yin metal and fire is usually not suitable. Actually not the case, from Qi perspective, you will only be able to use what is available and given. Preference only comes when there is a choice.
His rise to fame agreed by many was in 1999 Varsity Blues.
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Paul in Varsity Blues. Photo from |
2001 release of F&F 1, paves the highway for his career in Hollywood with strong 午 Fire branch influence from major luck period.
His luck period change in 2005 to 丁巳 (2005-2015). His rise to fame was already set through 3 F&F movies (F&F 3 was released in 2006 丙戌 Bing Xu year - strong Fire year). However from 2010 onwards, the shift of Qi in his chart has slowly change from 丁 Fire Stem influence to Si 巳 Branch Fire influence.
Si 巳 Branch originally Fire Qi, meets with half Frame of metal elements in his year and month pillar 酉 You Metal in Month and 丑 Chou Earth. Together these element solidify into a Strong Metal Frame. This year 2013 癸巳, again the branch of Si 巳 appeared and further double up the metal influence in his chart. As a Strong Metal person, gathering of more Metal Qi in his chart is not good news.
CLASH of Traveling Star
巳 Branch is considered a Traveling Star located in his 丁巳 Major Luck Period and also 2013 癸巳Stem and Branches, Hai 亥 Branch in his DAY Pillar also a Traveling Star. Hai 亥 and Si 巳 meet is considered a clash of traveling star.
2013 November Month Pillar is 癸亥. Therefore 2 sets of clash happening simultaneously in his chart. His current major luck period 丁巳, the stem also clash with Self YEAR PILLAR 癸丑 and 2013 癸巳.
With so many clashes occurring in his chart, for this year and month - incidents will definitely happen. Clash of Traveling Star also indicate vehicle accidents. Water and Fire clash 癸丁 indicate explosion. The car he was in not only crash but went up in flames as well.
Can it be avoided? Well no point of discussing that, when the event has already happened. But his end was not written in definite terms on his destiny chart because GUI 癸 Water is still available and have not totally terminated from the chart.
He definitely will be missed in future Fast and Furious Series. May he forever Rest in Peace...